Patterns of Attachment
Mary D Salter Ainsworth and 3 more
Not Available
Statistical Misconceptions
Schuyler W Huck
Romance and Sex in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Alan Booth and 2 more
What If There Were No Significance Tests?
Lisa Lavoie Harlow and 2 more
Reading, Writing, and Dyslexia
Andrew W Ellis
Working Memory Capacity
Nelson Cowan
The Psychology of Language and Communication
Geoffrey Beattie and 1 more
Knowledge in Context
Sandra Jovchelovitch
Children and Television
Barrie Gunter and 1 more
Models of Cognitive Development
Ken Richardson
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Holly Tuokko and 1 more
The Psychobiology of Human Motivation
Hugh L Wagner
Jean Piaget, Children and the Class-Inclusion Problem
Geldolph A Kohnstamm
Handbook of Operant Behavior
Werner K Honig and 1 more
Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition
John W Berry and 3 more
Promoting Positive Parenting
F Juffer and 2 more
What Predicts Divorce?
John Mordechai Gottman
The Thin Woman
Helen Malson